Especially this time of year, you have one thing on your mind: heat. Sure, you are heating the inside of your home but you also want to heat your pool. Do you keep your pool heat pump running all of the time or do you turn it off until you want to swim?

You want to use your pool whenever you want, not have to wait hours for it to heat up! That is why you should keep your heat pump turned on and running.

Why You Should Keep Your Pool Heat Pump Running

Are you really supposed to leave it on all the time, even if you don't use the pool all the time? Yes! Your swimming pool is very different from heating up your car or even turning a hot tub on. Part of this has to do with the size. It simply isn't feasible to heat a massive swimming pool in a matter of minutes. This will cost you money, not to mention waste a lot of time.


Unlike some other types of heat sources, your pool heater is most efficient when it runs for long periods of time and when it runs often. Your pool's heater won't reach your desired temperature in a matter of minutes. It's running a marathon, not a sprint! This is because it heats very slowly but maintains temperatures very well once it reaches the desired number.

Let's Check the Numbers

If you only run your heat pump when you use your swimming pool, your heat pump will have to raise your water temperature by as much as 20°F every time you use your swimming pool. The exact time it takes your pool to heat up depends on several factors. These are the heat pump voltage, outside air temperature, pool size, and material used to heat the pool. The overall time it takes a pool to heat up is usually between 24 to 72 hours, which heats the pool by 20°F. That's at least a full day, if not three!

Make Sure Your Heat Pump Automatically Comes on

When deciding how often you want to run your heat pump, you will want to make sure it's running on a timer. You do not set run times on your heat pump's display. Instead, you can set water temperatures.


This works very similarly to the HVAC system in your house. If you have the air conditioner set for 75°F, the cool air kicks in when the machine recognizes it is too hot and shuts itself off again when it gets down to the desired temperature. Just the same, in order to maintain your specified water temperature, your heat pump automatically starts and stops as necessary.


The only thing left to do now is to buy the right pool heat pump to keep your pool at your desired temperature. We have plenty to choose from on our website, so you're sure to find the perfect one to meet your swimming needs. Check out our deals page for what's currently on sale!